Age of Empires III
Age of Empires III information. Screenshots, demo, walkthroughs, latest news about its development state.
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Age of Empires III Patch 1.05

Age of Empires III Patch 1.05 contains the latest updates. This is not a stand-alone patch, meaning you can only get it through the game's menu. Click Help and Tools then click Update Game to get the latest version.
Below is a list of changes in the new version, you can get the full list from AgeCommunity.
- Added Power Rating to ESO
- Added Stand ground to the game
- Attack move button and hotkey added
- Hispaniola, a new random map has been added
- Recorded game playback improved significantly
- Added Option for minimized multiplayer chat
- Added games list filtering options
- Added Option to save games list filter settings
- Numerous fixes to attack move command
- Numerous balance changes
- Numerous changes to home city cards
- Deathmatch games now have reveal map on
- Deathmatch - Starting crates removed from most maps
- Fixed an issue where watching a recorded game overwrote home cities
- Playing an old saved single player game should no longer revert your home city to the older state
- Ranged Cavalry Caracole now applies to all ranged cavalry
- Native American Treaties card now creates the right number of Natives
- Added support for removing the larger pause dialog. Add 'hidepopups' to your user.cfg
- Added support for modifying custom random map names and text
- Custom game setup now shows if a game is rated, not rated, no XP
- Added <escape>, <enter>, mouse wheel scroll and double click functionality to numerous spots in ESO
- Changing #players will unready everyone
- Typing in chat and switching to a different ESO window no longer erases the text
- Many Clan chat fixes
- Clan change, you may only demote someone that is below your rank, you may only promote someone that is two ranks below you
- Two players that do not have their routers properly set up can no longer join the same game.
- Fixed numerous issues with joining and creating a clan
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